Why do you feel that being personal for professional purposes is the incorrect method for solving any business equation? There stands a number of things such as devices, computers, content etc. between the product/service and the consumers. While these are not the hurdles rather act as nodes to generate a network that connects a business to its prospects. Well! Your potential customers might lose interest in the more networked region so you need to find a shortcut path around this dense area. It might sound little weird but ‘emotion’ is that key which can unlock many hearts and make them ready to move into the transaction cycle.
Emotion works as a best marketing tool and here is why!
Doubtlessly strategies wrapped inside the emotions outperform than strategies wrapped inside non-emotional ideas. Thousands of companies are running same business in the market and targeting the same audience, now think! How can you segregate yourself following the same marketing tactics which others are going behind? A unique and creative idea to think about has become an essentiality today. We human beings have emotions inside us such as happy, sad, sympathy, excitement etc. and naturally we are receptive for anything that supports or connects some sort of emotion with it. This is a very basic concept and it can shower the business revenues in less time if implemented properly into the business model. And, you should not wait for any auspicious beginning to welcome this notion. Here I am going to share some compelling examples of how marketers approached to audience using this simple concept.
The hotel booking agencies are seen emphasizing not much on discounts or the hotel amenities rather they focus more upon showing the actual pictures of holiday destinations to the audience where people love to visit usually. They find this way more easier to touch their customers’ heart. Inspiring someone to explore any spot counting him the attractions of the place is way better than convincing him showing the lower hotel prices. In the former case, of course, emotion is playing a vital role.
A number of mobile ads are seen on television but none of them projects mobile features in one go. They connect ads with people use and how happily people from all walks of life are using mobile phones in each corner of earth and enjoying the connectedness. In short, attaching an emotion to the market strategy is a great way to promote the business.
The emotion is like a glue that binds the product, services and consumers. No wonder users and viewers are getting aligned with those products that reflect their personal instinct or touches their heart.
Therefore, before selling or marketing your products, create a theme based advertisement that interacts indirectly with human behavior and their personal values as it leaves a direct impression on human mind and mold to think about the product for purchase. Always remember!
If you try to show people that you have produced your product with much effort and creativity, they might or might not take interest but if you first project a picture of their pain and then elaborate how your service is going to solve their pain, assuredly they will take interest and this tactic will pull on the audience.