Money saved is money earned they say. Forget about the expensive ways to advertise and promote your business. If you are a start-up business having limited resources, it is best to know the cost-effective ideas to advertise that can prove to be of great help.
Enlisted here are top 5 ideas that would rock in future.
1.Be Interactive in Social Media to Cash on its Power !!
Social media marketing is the “next big thing,” a temporary yet powerful fad that must be taken advantage of while it’s still in the spotlight. They are a great platform through which you can promote your business without spending even a single penny.
Harnessing the power of digital media is one of the best options in the era of digitalization. But, do not just try to sign up and forget about it. To use it optimally you need to be interactive with your fans and followers apart from posting regularly on it. Use social media as an interactive tool to keep your current and prospective customers engaged.
2.Build a free Email List !!
Every business owner has an Email list and when you are starting out, you don’t want to commit to a monthly fee that many email management services charges. You can build a free Email list by which you can promote your business easily without involving much cost, most offer a free option for the smaller list.
For Example, MailChimp offers its service for free for businesses with fewer than 2,000 subscribers, when you are ready to take things to the next level.
3.Post Your Commercial on YouTube !!
A recent study has shown that as many as 93% of the marketers use videos for the online marketing. Thanks to the digital technology anyone can make use of a smartphone to create video content and it goes viral much easily than the text. But, mind that unlike the initial days of Youtube where becoming a video producer is so easy. These days competition is tough and the video you generate should have a distinct flavor.
4.Send Handwritten Thank you notes !!
Review your best customer list by sending them hand-written thank you notes. This will add an extra added advantage to personalize your customers and will be a boon to your promotional strategy.
Developing a cordial and nice relationship with customers is very important and these things add an extra due advantage to build your relationship with them.
5.Post wonderful content on Blog Post !!
You know, your blog will be the foundation of all your marketing efforts. It is the only place where you direct visitors, nourish relationships and capture your lead. It is necessary that you create an appealing content through which you will attract your visitors and make them your customer.
Advertising is the soul of your business. When done in a right way it helps you get the kind of business gains you want to achieve. Always keep in mind that there are creative ideas which do not cost you much and still prove to a better way for exposure. So think wise!
Read more: 7 Most frequently asked question about Content Marketing.