It is no-wonder that a happy sales team not only enjoys work at workplace but put into their maximum potential to reap the business benefits. Sales team is happy; sounds good, right? But, developing such ecstatic team is not possible by cracking jokes all time before them rather they must be appreciated for their good work, motivated during bad or struggling situations and many more which I am going to list here one by one.
Focus on Sales Operations!
If you are a salesperson or sales manager, you must focus on key sales ideas which can work as effective inputs to grow sales. Criticising the sales result would never turn the failure page rather it will certainly add more into your depression level. Therefore, finding out more creative ways of selling and optimizing the already existing business process are logical implementations for organizational growth.
Employee recognition – Appreciate their work!
Getting into the dreamland on being appreciated for anything is the human nature and it perfectly executes at workplace too. Some successful businessmen considers employee gratitude as the cornerstone of business growth. Therefore, it is important to say employees well done for their good job and make them realize that you trust them. This keeps your sales team’s morale high and inspires them to perform best.
Educate your sales staff for all new implementations!
Show your salespeople that you value their ideas. Collect their views too and make changes in the business model accordingly. Also, keep them updated with all new changes made in the products they are going to sell as nothing else is more humiliating than listening new features about your own products from consumers.
Give each employee a chance to be a leader
Whenever a new project is started, assign it to a new team member (not necessarily the team leader) – it is a sage advice. Doing so, runs a wave of confidence into the sales team and makes them realize the worth of leadership too, which, in turn, inspire sale reps to work like a leader. In simple words, try to erase a line between boss and employee.
Provide incentives timely!
A hardworking and honest worker always respects the gifts or rewards – he receives in return of his brilliant performance but if you wait for the end of the fiscal year for contributing commissions then assuredly, you are hurting the behavior which is mainly responsible for bringing sales. Hence, to maintain a healthy relation with the sales staff-it is important to provide them with the deserving incentives time to time as it enhances their courage to work more better.
Don’t Keep Your Sales Team in Hurry!
Don’t stress your sales team for a particular task that should have completed as per schedule. In other terms, the team should not be pressurized with administrative tracking. Sometimes a deal might take more time to get closed than the assigned time so if your sale rep is truly working over the deal, treat him liberally and give extra time.
Though great customer experience is the main goal of any organization yet, employee happiness can’t be sacrificed for this. Research says, 60% new joinee stays in the company only seeing if other sales professionals are working happily their work or not. The business process must follow a policy where employee satisfaction is not ignored.
Hence, it is very important to keep your sales team happy and healthy.