When the discussion is going on around workforce performance improvement, employee monitoring is considered as one of the best methods known. Corporate property is the result of genuine efforts and extreme hard work hence, it should be wasted on those only who deserve this. You would have seen cameras mounted in most of the places such as money transfer of where valuable assets are being used, these cameras also come under some sort of monitoring. Employee monitoring is done for multiple purposes such as employee efficiency check, system and smartphone monitoring of employees etc.
Let’s discuss different types of monitoring in detail:
Direct Monitoring
Some companies don’t keep their eyes on corporate system round the clock rather they simply put the computers in an open location so others can access whenever they need. These systems work on the keystroke record notion means there is maintained a log of all keystrokes. It is kind of system monitoring that gives detail about how the company system is being used.
Field-staff Monitoring
No wonder, significant sales is done by the field employees, therefore employers remain concerned about whether their sales professional are entirely engaged at the workplace during the office hours or not and also, what issues they are facing during the deal closing. In a move to get the real time report of all field related business activities, many big successful market giants are using field staff tracking solution. Such software solution enables managers to get the real time data of all field employee work details.
Email Monitoring
Most of the companies have their own websites and email hosting services today. So, whatever data employees share at the company usually sent or received from official id like [email protected]. This unique email gives signal to the outsiders that these email ids are not for personal purpose. Apart from this, the company also keeps details about how company employees are portraying themselves while using the official email. Also, the company monitors its server to check which type of mail it is receiving and sending.
Network Monitoring
To avoid any cyber harm businesses usually keep a record of traffic that comes and goes from the their network wall. The firewall used on the network reads the address and content of all incoming and outgoing data through the network. Network monitoring helps to find out those computer system of the office which are making unnecessary internet requests. Apart from this, the monitoring also tells who is accessing which files and what manipulation and transmission is being done over those files.
Virtual Private Network
Large companies use the concept of VPN (Virtual Private Network) through which all those who are logged into the company system can access the files or documents of the company. A VPN is like a website where all company documents are accumulated so the workers can access it easily from anywhere and contribute their work portion.
Software Monitoring
Software monitoring system is the way to keep eyes on all the computer at the workplace through any web portal. The software helps to get the details of history, file change, website logs and location of company computers through GPS validation. Different companies use a different method of monitoring and choose the technology as per the strength and use.
Thus, the only aim of any kind of monitoring is to revamp the efficiency and enhance the productivity level.