Do you know that over 68% of US are disengaged in their job? Well, the data is quite disheartening for a businessman as he is hiring employees for the only sake to bring in more productivity and generate profits. If a majority of workers are not performing their job sincerely it may lead to huge loss.
Don’t you think if you are able to keep an eye on them, you will able to handle them more easily and things will improve? But the question arises how to do it? It is very easy thanks to modern technology that has helped managers and many businessmen to track their employees while at work with utmost care.
Suppose you are being followed, someone is tracking your phone or has placed GPS device on your car. They know your location that you are at home, at a restaurant or at a park. This could be a violation of law or just your job. Well, this situation will make employees feel discomfort with the job and he may feel like his manager do not trust him and keeping a constant eye on him. This may make the employee detached from his work and he may want to switch the job.
In many states, employers are not prohibited from monitoring workers’ locations after hours or without their consent. But it should not come into their personal lives. As tracking helps ensure bosses that their employees are doing their job effectively and cannot cheat them.
After your decision to monitor employees with utmost care these guidelines below will guarantee your success.
Be Outspoken
Before you plan to track your employees make sure you pre-inform your employees that you will track them and know their whereabouts. As being spied on them unknowingly is what they hate and do not appreciate. If your employees make your business work then surely you must manage them with utmost care without making them feel as if you don’t trust them.
This clear understanding between employer and employee makes your work easy and supportive.
Proactive Filtering
When you track your employees either their systems, email, telephone tracking or tracking through video creates employees a little cautious that every activity of theirs is being recorded by his employer. Blocking few of the websites from getting opened in the office premises helps in adding a filter to unwanted sites which you don’t want your employee to open. This may help your staff to avoid an unwanted problem of using restricted websites.
Guarantee Daily Check-Ons Report
When you plan to track your sales employee make sure you get full sales report of them. Why to manually make efforts and prepare a report that you know that has discrepancies instead make sure the tracking software provides you an automated sales report of each employee which assures the data of 100% authenticity.
Handle with Care
Treat others like you would like to be treated with concern and care. As a manager, it is your duty that you should not burden your employee with unnecessary unrealistic things. Understand their mind and act only what they want from you. After all your employees bring you business and they need to feel satisfied and happy!
These guidelines will make your company time utilized for productivity and any time used on trivialities will likely damage or set your business at uncertainty.
Also Read : Why you think employee tracking is not your need?
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