Add Contact Form In Magento Web Store Suite

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Adding code to Magento is fairly very easy and involves few steps only.

To add code snippets, you need to include the code in a new static block, and add it to your web store using a Frontend App.

First, be sure to get a thorough understanding of how to insert Static Blocks into your web store by reading How to Place a Static Block Using Frontend Apps.

  1. From the Admin panel, go to CMS > Static Blocks and click Add New Block.
  2. Fill in all the required fields. In the Content field, however, make sure to first click Show/Hide Editor. Then paste in your code snippet or script link. Click Save.
  3. Next, create a new Frontend App from CMS > Frontend Apps.
  4. Select CMS Static Block for type. Click Continue.
  5. Define a title for the block in Frontend App Instance Title.
  6. Click Add Layout Update in the Layout Updates panel.
  7. In Display On, select which pages to apply this static block to. If you wish to apply it across your entire web store, select All Pages.
  8. In the Block Reference field, select Page Footer.
  9. Click Frontend App Options from the left menu. From this panel, specify the static block that will be included – this is where you specify the static block that you inserted the code snippet into.
  10. Click Save to save these changes.

Once you’ve created a static block with the javascript code (or script source link) as well as the frontend app that references this static block that will be applied to your pages, your script should be running immediately.

How to Verify That It Works

To verify that the code snippet or script source link that you added with Frontend Apps, go to any page in your web store, or the specific type of page, if you specified one, right click and select View Page Source. Pull up the find tool and search for any line of code from the code snippet (preferably a unique line to avoid having to comb through other code to find it). If you find the code in the page, then it’s running.