5 Secrets to Increase Employee Productivity That Great Managers Never Reveal!

A few months ago, Murphy(acronym) bagged an opportunity to work as the Sales Head for…

Why You Should Implement Employee Monitoring For Your Business

Many have a question that whether Employee Monitoring is ethical or not? Well, the practice…

5 Landing Page Secrets that Steal the Customers from your Competitors!

‘Landing Page’! Yes, the word has caught the eyes of many businesses. Why not be?…

Ethics Must Come First While Doing Employee Monitoring!!

Technology is a bridge that connects a business to the global market. Fast growing use…

How to Get Better Productivity With the Help of Employee Tracking App?

Doing anything won’t be enough for success. To make your efforts fruitful, you got to…

Is This A Right Time You Should Start Employee Management?

At any point of time, an entrepreneur feels the need to hire employees or manage…

Sales Team Management Helping Develop A Coordination Between Marketing And Sales Staff

People don’t buy Goods and  Services. They Buy relations, stories, and magic. – Seth Godin…

5 Reasons Why Field Force Tracking is The Future of Sales Management!

When managers don’t have a slight clue about their field staff, how can one even…

5 Unknown Things About Employee Location Tracking

Now that technology has moved way ahead, thanks to the internet which is available with…

5 Must Have Features of a Business Website That Tempts Visitor to Convert!

Although, there are many things that you can try to attract your website visitors for…